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Friday, August 9, 2024

Why I Choose Running: My Go-To for Self-Care and Serenity

In a world brimming with chaos and demands, carving out moments of peace and rejuvenation is nothing short of essential. For me, running has evolved into more than just a physical activity; it's my sanctuary for nourishing my mind, body, and soul. Let’s dive into why running has become my ultimate self-care ritual and a source of profound serenity. Lace up those shoes and join me as we explore the transformative magic of this simple yet profound practice.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tuesdays with Kerin: Half Marathon Hopes and Weekend Escapades

I know I missed last week's post, but I'm back now and ready to share two weeks' worth of updates. I've been thinking about switching my Tuesday updates to a biweekly schedule since I don't always have a lot happening each week. I want to keep my posts interesting for you all, and I realize you might get tired of hearing that I've just been running and going to work, but honestly, that's pretty much my routine every week!

Speaking of running, I wrapped up my post-injury recovery plan the week before last, and I’m happy to report that my knee is feeling good! Last week, I officially kicked off my half-marathon training—yup, you read that right! I’m running a half-marathon despite having only started running less than a year ago; I know, crazy, right?

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Tuesdays with Kerin: Miles & Smiles

Welcome back to another Tuesday update... on Wednesday! I know I'm a day late, but I'm here. I did manage to publish two blog posts last week though, so yay for small victories! If you haven't already, make sure to check out my birthday post. Moving forward, I'm aiming to increase my posting frequency to twice a week. I'm considering Tuesday and Friday as potential posting days, but I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Additionally, I'm contemplating bringing back my newsletter. While I'm unsure about its content since I already provide weekly updates here, I recognize that not everyone follows me on social media and may miss out on new posts. Let me know your thoughts on the newsletter dilemma!

Last week marked my return to running after a necessary break due to a knee injury. Taking it cautiously, my running program has been progressing at a slow and steady pace. The longest distance I covered last week was 2 miles, a far cry from my previous capabilities. While I acknowledge the need for patience, my main goal is to regain my running form. Despite my pace being significantly slower than before, I remain optimistic that my speed will gradually return. I am eagerly anticipating the completion of my post-injury plan so I can embark on training for a half-marathon.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Turning 30: Champagne, Cake, and a Whole Lotta Fun!

As my 30th birthday approached, I found myself at a loss for how to celebrate this significant milestone. Usually brimming with ideas and excitement for birthday festivities, this time, the inspiration seemed to elude me. With the weight of the big 3-0 on the horizon, I knew I couldn't let this momentous occasion pass by without proper acknowledgment. Typically one to organize special activities or events for my birthdays, I had procrastinated too long to organize a trip or any elaborate plans. The question remained: what should I do?

Having just orchestrated a successful surprise celebration for my mother, whose birthday falls two weeks before mine, I found myself desiring a lowkey birthday affair where I could simply unwind and relish time with my family. Being the usual planner for events, I decided I didn't want to take on the responsibility of orchestrating my own celebration this time. In a light-hearted moment, I jokingly asked my mother what she had in store for my birthday, to which she cryptically replied that she was planning something. I didn't truly expect her to plan anything elaborate, especially when I lacked the energy to do so myself.

As the week of my birthday arrived, I decided I wanted to do something special, something I had never experienced before – Afternoon Tea or High Tea. Pairing this with a weekend stay at a luxurious hotel sounded like the perfect blend of relaxation and sophistication. I delved into researching various places that offered Afternoon Tea. Determined to combine both desires, I set out to find a hotel and tea spot in close proximity. After thorough investigation, the Lancaster Hotel emerged as the ideal choice to fulfill my birthday dreams.

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