A Guide to Radiant Living - Where Wellness Meets Wonder

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tuesdays with Kerin: Halfway to 13.1

Can you believe it's been 3 weeks since I last posted? Honestly, I'm not quite sure what happened. I was trying out this new biweekly posting schedule, but I guess I just lost track of time. I could say I've been busy and had a lot going on, but to be real, that’s not entirely the case—I definitely could have squeaked in a post or two. Anyway, I have a bit of an update for you all, but I don't want this to turn into a super long post, so let’s just get to it!

Alright, folks, let me catch you up on my half-marathon journey! Last time we chatted, I had just wrapped up week 4 of my training, and now, drumroll please… I've officially completed week 7! That's right, I'm halfway through my half-marathon training, which means I'm on the path to conquering those 13.1 miles! Can you believe it?

Each week, my long runs have been steadily increasing in distance, and let me tell you, it's been quite the adventure. On Labor Day, I tackled a solid 6 miles, followed by a 6.5-mile run the next week. But wait for it – just this past weekend, I pushed myself to run a whopping 7.5 miles! Crazy, right? It’s been a challenge, for sure, but I've realized that the biggest hurdle is often in my head. When I'm feeling pumped and my mindset is in the right space, those miles just fly by. However, if I start doubting myself or thinking I can't do it, suddenly my legs feel like lead. Conquering that 7-mile mark was a monumental achievement for me – it really solidified that I can take on this half-marathon! I have a feeling that once I hit that magical 10-mile milestone (hello, double digits!), I’ll be bursting with confidence!

Now, let’s talk gear – because what’s a runner without some fresh equipment, right? I treated myself to some new running shoes specifically for my tempo and interval workouts. I’m still on the fence about whether these will be my race shoes, though, because my trusty Gel-Nimbus are just so darn comfy! Plus, I picked up a running belt and some handy bottles to take along on my long runs. Hydration is key, after all! I’m planning a full post dedicated to my running gear soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that! 

Shifting gears to non-running, life has been fairly uneventful lately. Oh my gosh, am I becoming one of those people who only run and talk about running? Yikes! But truthfully, half-marathon training does leave little time for anything else. Thankfully, two Fridays ago, my sister and I managed to carve out some quality time together with a sister date at Pappas Steakhouse. The food was absolutely delicious, and the vibes were just perfect – we had a fantastic time! Outside of that lovely outing, the only time I spend away from running seems to be when I’m catching a flick at the movies.

On the movie front, I've seen a fair bit over the past three weeks! I finally checked out Twisters in 4DX, and let me tell you, it was totally worth it; they used all the effects, even the smell! I also rewatched The Crow, which, let’s be honest, still doesn’t hold up. I caught Beetlejuice Beetlejuice  twice and even revisited the original Beetlejuice. If you’re a fan of the original, you'll probably enjoy the sequel too; it’s an odd film, but not bad at all.  I had two spooky Saturdays with Afraid and Speak No Evil, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed. They’re  both ridiculous and silly in their own ways, but Speak No Evil is definitely a better movie and it has James McAvoy!  I didn’t get around to writing reviews for any of these flicks yet, but if anyone’s interested, I might just share my full thoughts!

So, about that room rearrangement I mentioned last time – well, let's just say it didn’t quite go as planned. I was hoping to have it all wrapped up by the weekend, but here we are, and I still have a ways to go. The rearranging is finally complete, but now it’s time to dive into the nitty-gritty of going through everything and cleaning out the clutter. One of my main goals is to tackle my makeup and skincare collection, tossing out anything I don’t want, use, or that’s expired. On the bright side, I’ve already sorted through my clothes and set aside a bag for Goodwill. Even though my room is still a work in progress, I’m optimistic that I’ll have it all done soon!

So, I think that's all I have to update you all on for now. It's been three weeks since my last check-in, and honestly, I might have forgotten something in the shuffle of life. Or maybe my life is just that unexciting at the moment – who knows? Either way, I'm ready to wrap it up for today. Until next time!

Au Revoir,


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