A Guide to Radiant Living - Where Wellness Meets Wonder

Thursday, July 11, 2024

June Journey: A Peek Into My Absence

My apologies for the radio silence over the past month. I really have no excuse, except that ‘life happens’. I think I needed to take a break, but June was an exciting month filled with memorable experiences.

Kicking off the month, I had an absolute blast at Fan Expo Dallas with my mom and brother, diving headfirst into all things fandom. It was a geek's paradise, and we soaked up every moment. David Tennant was the biggest name that came, so there was a lot of Doctor Who-related excitement, which was just fantastic. There were over 60,000 people there over the course of the weekend, and if you know me, you know I don’t like crowds. I plan on doing an entire post about navigating anxiety in a crowd like that, so stay tuned.

Mid-month, I pulled off a surprise for my mom’s birthday. We went all out with a movie outing, a swanky stay at a hotel, and wrapped it up with a special dinner. Seeing her joy was priceless! The birthday adventure was a hit, and it felt so rewarding to see her smile light up the room.

Later in the month, we had a joint birthday dinner for me and my stepsister – early for me, late for her. The gathering included my dad, his wife, and my siblings. I tried soufflé for the first time – not a fan, but the night was filled with laughter and good vibes, making it all worthwhile. 

June wasn't all smooth sailing, though. Work was a beast in June, with 12-hour days that left me little room for anything else. But hey, we hustle hard to play hard.

I hit a rough patch when I injured my knee. That meant bowing out of my eagerly anticipated 8K Independence Day race. Resetting my training regime was tough, but setbacks are just stepping stones, right? I’m staying focused and committed to bouncing back stronger and prepping for my upcoming half marathon.

While my knee injury was a major setback, it didn't dampen my spirits completely. I took this downtime to focus on upper body workouts and core strengthening exercises. It's amazing how much you can still achieve even when one part of your body is out of commission. Plus, it gave me a chance to work on my flexibility and mobility – areas I often neglect when I'm caught up in running.

Movie nights were few and far between. I only managed to catch two films: Bad Boys: Ride or Die which I loved so much I watched it three times, and Inside Out 2.  Despite the limited selection, each viewing provided its own unique entertainment value and added a touch of variety to my otherwise uneventful June movie roster.

After taking a break in June to regroup, I had planned to bounce back in July and share all the deets of my fabulous June, but life had other plans. I got hit with a bout of sickness right in the first week of July. Thankfully, I was back on my feet just in time to celebrate my 30th birthday – a milestone I was super excited about! The big 3-0, folks! I had grand plans for a dedicated post about the festivities. However, Mother Nature decided to crash the party with storm Beryl, causing power outages and delaying my post. No worries, though. Life’s unpredictability keeps things interesting, and I promise you’ll get the full scoop on my birthday bash soon! Stay tuned!

So, yeah, June was a mixed bag of highs and lows, but it was a month of growth, resilience, and unexpected joys. The journey continues, and I’m all geared up for what July has in store. Here’s to embracing the chaos, celebrating the milestones, and savoring every little moment in between. Cheers!

1 comment

  1. June sounds like it was indeed an eventful and interesting month ! Can’t wait to see your bday post and how to navigate large crowds with anxiety 🫶🏾


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