A Guide to Radiant Living - Where Wellness Meets Wonder

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Tuesdays with Kerin: A Rollercoaster Week of Work, Play, and NBA!

On Monday, I had the office all to myself as the sole member from my team present, creating a peaceful and productive atmosphere that allowed me to accomplish a lot of work. To kick off the week on a strong note, I embarked on a 3K Tempo Run, sporting my vibrant new yellow highlighter set from Hey Girl Run. Additionally, I was finally early enough to order one of the mystery Monday sets from Hey Girl Run, which arrived on Saturday. Anticipating a top and bottom duo, I was delighted to find that the package actually contained 2 tops and 2 shorts, resulting in a double dose of excitement and satisfaction. A definite win for the start of the week!

Working from home on Tuesday allowed me to be even more productive than usual, getting a lot of work done without the usual office distractions. In the evening, I joined my brother to finish watching  War for the Planet of the Apes before heading out for our usual Movie Tuesday tradition, catching the latest installment, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. In opinion, it's a decent movie - not as good as the previous installments, but you read my full review on Kerin's Kritiques.

Wednesday turned out to be a rather uneventful day. Despite that, I managed to squeeze in a refreshing evening run to keep up with my fitness routine. Initially, I had planned to watch The Iron Claw, so I could write a review for Thursday, but somehow, I never got around to watching it. Actually, I fell short on my goal of writing any reviews for Kerin's Kritiques last week. It seems like some days just don't go according to plan, but that's all part of the journey, right?

Thursday turned out to be quite a hectic day at the office, keeping me there longer than anticipated. Despite the long hours, I was looking forward to attending the Astros game with my mother and sister in the evening. However, our plans took an unexpected turn as thunderstorms and a tornado warning prompted us to make a U-turn and head back home for safety. Thankfully, we didn't experience any power outages during the storm. With the sudden change in plans, we ended up having a quiet evening indoors, catching up on the latest episode of Under the Bridge.

With power outages widespread across the city, I opted to work from home on Friday, avoiding the chaos of navigating through the streets with numerous traffic lights out of commission. After wrapping up my tasks for the day, I headed straight to bed, feeling the weight of the exhausting week settling in. Regrettably, I ended up skipping my workout, succumbing to the allure of much-needed rest instead. The unexpected challenges of the day served as a reminder to prioritize self-care amidst the unpredictability of external circumstances.

This weekend turned out to be quite uneventful for me. It all started on Saturday when I woke up feeling the onset of a migraine, leaving me fatigued and drained. Despite the unpleasant start, I managed to muster up the energy to head to the bank and take care of some errands. Later in the day, I spent some quality time with my brother watching WNBA games and catching the Mavericks vs. Thunder playoff game. Interestingly, I realized that I've already watched more WNBA games this year than I did throughout the entirety of last year. It's a trend I aim to continue, although it's proving challenging due to most games not being nationally broadcasted.

Sunday brought more of the same with a lingering migraine despite sleeping in. However, I roused myself to catch the NBA Playoff Game 7s alongside my brother. Rooting for the Pacers, I was thrilled to see them emerge victorious. However, the defending champs, the Nuggets, fell short against the Wolves, setting the stage for a thrilling conference finals. Anticipating the upcoming matchups, I predict the Celtics will triumph over the Pacers in 6 games. As for the Wolves versus the Mavs, I will reserve judgment until watching the first game to make a choice. Between the intense basketball action, I squeezed in an episode of Tracker and rounded off the night with a binge-watching session of Criminal Minds before calling it a night.

Until next week! 

Weekly Obsession: I've stumbled upon a treasure trove of movie recap channels on Youtube lately. These channels are a godsend for those who want the full scoop on movies and TV shows without investing a solid two hours of their time. It's like getting all the juicy details without the long-haul commitment of actually sitting through the entire film. Initially, I dipped my toes into the familiar waters of movies I'd already watched, but now I find myself drawn to exploring new cinematic adventures. This way, I get to handpick which films I truly want to invest my time in. It's the perfect solution for when you're in the mood for some movie magic but not quite ready to fully commit.

What I'm Reading:  No new reads. I'm still open to recommendations!

What I'm Watching: I'm still watching Tracker. The season finale was last week, so I'll probably finish it soon. Also,  I've been rewatching Criminal Minds from the beginning. I just finished the first season! 

Au Revior,


1 comment

  1. Read Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus! Idk if it’s any good (you’ll have to let us know 🤭), but the show is great !


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