A Guide to Radiant Living - Where Wellness Meets Wonder

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesdays with Kerin: I'm back... Again

Hello World,

Guess who's back...
Back again...
Kerin's back...
Tell a friend...
Guess who's back... Guess who's back... Guess who's back....

And I mean actually back. I know in August I posted something quite similar ( maybe verbatim) and then I disappeared for 5 months, so I understand if you're hesitant to trust me again. But I promise you this time, I'm really back and better than ever. Well maybe not better... maybe more or less the same... probably worse... but I digress. The point is that Kerin's Korner is being resurrected!

I know you might have questions about where I've been and why I've been gone for so long. Firstly, I would like to apologize for leaving without giving you any notice. But most importantly, I think you should know, I have absolutely no explanation or reason for my absence. I missed a post one day, and then it became a week, then a month. And I just kept putting it off. I guess the bottom line is that I was just lazy... 

On that same note of laziness, I will be making some changes to Kerin's Korner ... (pause for suspense).   I will not be posting every day.  *gasp*

I think everyday is too much pressure for me right now,  I don't want to burn out, or have another incident of the August Disappearance.  Therefore, I will be taking the weekends off. That way I can use Saturday and Sunday to work on posts for the upcoming week and to recharge. 

BUT WAIT! WHAT ABOUT STORY SUNDAYS?!? Don't worry I did not forget about Story Sundays. As of right now, I need to pre-write a few more chapters before I can start posting again. So there will be no Story Sundays for awhile, but it will come back eventually. Now, when it does come back, it won't be every week. I'm thinking once a month or maybe twice a month. Like I said before I'm taking the weekends off. 

I am also making a slight change in my schedule. Instead of Makeup Product reviews on Thursdays, Thursdays will now be Throwback Playlists, and all Makeup posts will happen on Mondays.  So my schedule will be as follows:
  • Makeup Mondays (Tutorials and Reviews)
  • Tuesdays with Kerin (Life Updates)
  • Watch or Nah? Wednesdays (Movie and Television Reviews)
  • #TBT Playlists Thursdays 
  • Kerin's Top 10 Fridays 
Well, that's all folks! I'll see you tomorrow with a review of  a surprisingly good movie!

If there are any specific posts you'd like to see, let know via comment, twitter, instagram, etc. 

Au Revoir,

P.S. If you have a google account, make sure to hit the follow button on the top left to follow the blog

P.S.S. Follow me on twitter and instagram @kerinskorner to stay up to date!

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