A Guide to Radiant Living - Where Wellness Meets Wonder

Friday, February 16, 2018

Kerin's Top 10: NBA All Stars 2018

Hello World,

Happy NBA All Star Weekend! 

Today is the first day of All Star 2018! *cheers and applause* I don’t know about you, but I’m only moderately excited, but nonetheless here’s my list of the Top 10 All Stars, or Top 10 best players in the league today.  Also, I’m including players that were voted or selected to be All Stars, regardless of injury or if they’ll actually play in the game on Saturday.

10. Klay Thompson – Golden State Warriors

9.  Giannis Antetokounmpo – Milwaukee Bucks

8. DeMarcus Cousins – New Orleans Pelicans

7. John Wall – Washington Wizards

6. Anthony Davis – New Orleans Pelicans

5. Kyrie Irving – Boston Celtics

4. LeBron James – Cleveland Cavaliers

3. James Harden – Houston Rockets

2.  Stephen Curry – Golden State Warriors

1. Kevin Durant – Golden State Warriors

And that’s it. Be sure to look out for most of these guys on Sunday night! By the way I’m going for Team Stephen! It was a hard decision because Team LeBron got all the good players, but I’m not saying I’m anti - LeBron, but I’m definitely not pro- LeBron. 

If there are any specific posts you'd like to see, let know via comment, twitter, instagram, etc. 

Au Revoir,

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P.S.S. Follow me on twitter and instagram @kerinskorner to stay up to date!

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