Kerin's Korner

A Guide to Radiant Living - Where Wellness Meets Wonder

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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Tuesdays With Kerin: Last Quarter of 2024

Hey there! Welcome back to another Tuesday update. I want to take a moment to apologize for missing last week's post, but I'm back now and ready to get back on my regular schedule. Thanks for your understanding, and let’s dive into what’s been happening!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Tuesdays with Kerin: Halfway to 13.1

Can you believe it's been 3 weeks since I last posted? Honestly, I'm not quite sure what happened. I was trying out this new biweekly posting schedule, but I guess I just lost track of time. I could say I've been busy and had a lot going on, but to be real, that’s not entirely the case—I definitely could have squeaked in a post or two. Anyway, I have a bit of an update for you all, but I don't want this to turn into a super long post, so let’s just get to it!

Alright, folks, let me catch you up on my half-marathon journey! Last time we chatted, I had just wrapped up week 4 of my training, and now, drumroll please… I've officially completed week 7! That's right, I'm halfway through my half-marathon training, which means I'm on the path to conquering those 13.1 miles! Can you believe it?

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Tuesdays with Kerin: The Very Best Half

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Did you miss me? I'm trying out this biweekly posting thing, and I have to say, the past weeks have been semi-eventful. They've been filled with fun, food, and of course, running! Can you believe I'm already on my 5th week of half-marathon training? It's wild to think that I'll be running my first half-marathon in less than 10 weeks! That's crazy!

Week 3 of my half-marathon training was both challenging and exciting! I tackled hill reps for the first time at Miller Hill in Herman Park, although I could only manage 30-second reps. As I progress, those reps will need to get longer, so I’m definitely on the lookout for a bigger hill – maybe signing up for a hilly half-marathon wasn’t the smartest move considering I live in such a flat area, right? To cap off the week, I completed a 5-mile long run, marking the longest distance I've ever run. From here on out, every distance will be a personal record!  It was tough, but I powered through and was able to use my long run to complete my Independence Day 8K Virtual race to make up for the one I missed in June due to my knee injury (An 8K is just under 5 miles).

Friday, August 16, 2024

Finding My Fit: How I Train and Thrive with PCOS

So, I recently got the news that I have PCOS, a hormonal condition that can throw a wrench in things like my cycle, weight, and insulin levels. Honestly, it felt like a lot to unpack, but I knew I had to pivot and make some changes. One major takeaway? Exercise can really give my body a boost! So, I took a good hard look at my training routine and decided to spice it up to align better with my health goals. As I explored this fitness journey alongside PCOS, I realized the magic of striking a balance between pushing my limits and letting my body recharge. It's been quite the revelation, and I'm super excited to share my insights with you. Let’s jump into how I customized my training to thrive with PCOS!

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